
Wrapping up IF Comp 2010

So, the results are out for this year's IF Comp. The top three games are Aotearoa, Rogue of the Multiverse, and One Eye Open. While I didn't make it through these top three, I'm not surprised to see Aotearoa win. It seemed like a very strong entry just from the introduction, and I'm still planning on playing it.

As for the other games I didn't get to... several I started to play and then chose to quit. The horror games, for example, got skipped (I'm just not into creepy zombies and such) and I left them unrated. As time ran out, I gave up on my random list to try to play a few games I had been looking forward to (like Revolutionary) but I still couldn't get to everything

Of the games I played, Death off the Cuff and The People's Glorious Revolutionary Text Adventure Game were my favorites. They placed the highest of the games I played: fifth and seventh. Not too shabby. Those would be my recommendations as must plays for this year's comp, at least until I get to the top contenders.

Congrats to the winners and thanks all for another year of IF Comp gaming fun!


If Comp: The People's Glorious Revolutionary Text Adventure Game

Author: Taylor Vaughan
System: Z-code 
Blurb: Blurb: Sure, there's only five of you against a world full of reactionaries, but you have Revolutionary Spirit! You can't possibly fail. Nothing can stand in your way! Now if only you could find your Revolutionary to-do list...
Time Played: about an hour
More (with spoilers) after the break, you may wish to play before reading...

If Comp: The Chronicler

Author: John Evans 
System: Z-code 
Blurb: A short game with a few interesting tricks. 
Time Played: not long
More (with spoilers) after the break, you may wish to play before reading...